
African Blackwood / Grenadill



Names and distribution: African Blackwood, also called Grenadill or Mpingo, botanically Dalbergia melanoxylon, is a true Rosewood species of high density and hardness. Species mainly occurs in Tanzania and Mozambique. Our woods are of Tanzanian origin and comply with rules and regulations of the Tanzanian forestry authority.

Appearance: The ground color varies from black to brown-black. African Blackwood has medium-sized pores, unlike ebony with numerous, very fine pores. Sapwood is yellowish and sharply separated from the heartwood; ingredients sporadically occurring, sometimes visible in the pore grooves in longitudinal section. Overall decorative.

Properties: The density is approximately 1.05 t/m3 at a mc of 12%. When drying large cross-sections, there is a risk of cracking and deformation. Long-term air drying is therefore common. Otherwise the wood is easy to dry. Turning and other processing techniques are common. Smooth surfaces can easily be obtained. Mucosal irritation may occur during woodworking.

Use: high-end turnery goods (blanks for knife handles, pen blanks, billard cues), musical instruments, components for high-end silverware, art objects

ATIBT (1990): Atlas of African Timbers
GOTTWALD (1970) Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
RICHTER, H.G. (1988) Holz als Rohstoff für den Musikinstrumentenbau, Moeck-Verlag

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty