

Names and distribution: The botanical name is Metopium brownei. The species is found in the moist forests of Yucatan, where it is one of the most dominant tree species. Chechen is easily available in large quantities.

Appearance: Heartwood has a coffee-brown base color with reddish to greenish shades. Strong color variations are possible from tree to tree. Medium pore size, interlocked grain may occur. Decorative.

Properties: The density at 12% moisture content is about 0.85 t/m³. Because of its latex-containing ingredients Chechen can only be dried slowly. Processing is not a problem, but spiral growth can possibly lead to woolly surfaces that need rather sanding than planing. Normally, smooth and shiny surfaces can be achieved. Mucosal Irritations can occur during processing. Information about its dimensional stability differs. The natural durability is above average (class 1-2).

Use: Furniture, turnery, billrd queues, musical instruments

Replaces: Sucupira, Teak, Afrormosia

Trop. Forestry Pap.No. 20 (1990) Mex.& Belizian Timbers, OFI-Oxford

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty