
Kirsche, amerikanisch
 Sample with rustic appearance

Names and distribution: American cherry (Prunus serotina) also called black cherry is native to Pennsylvania and neighboring states. It is part of the rose family (Rosaceae). It is related to the European cherry (Prunus avium).

Appearance: The heartwood is pale yellowish brown, later darkening to a deep righ magagony red brown. The structure is similar to the European cherry: sharp growth rings, frequent colour deviations, but dimensionally more stable than European cherry. Typical for American Cherry: "gum pockets", which lead to fine dark stripes in the heartwood. Altogether fine pores, straight grain, seldom curly figure, decorative.

Properties: The specific weight is given as 0.65 t/m³ at a moisture content of 12%. The drying is not a problem. Easy to work with all tools, smooth surfaces can be obtained. The Brinell value is about 28-30, which is belower than the hardness of oak. Natural darability against fungus is low.

Use: mainly cabinet works, furniture, flooring, turnery wood, occtionally musical instruments

Replaces: European Cherry, Mahagony, other redwoods

Merkblattreihe Informationsdienst Holz
GOTTWALD (1970) Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
WAGENFÜHR (1996) Holzatlas

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty