Vogelaugenahorn Vogelaugenahorn

Names and distribution: Bird’s eye Maple is a special form of Canadian maple and sugar maple resp. (Acer saccharum). The formation of eyes occurs naturally and is not genetic, similar to the formation of curly structures. So you cannot grow bird's eye maple like a normal forest tree species. The eyes are already visible on logs, when the bark is separated from the wood. Eligible veneer logs are selected in this way. Otherwise well eyed boards are separated in sawmills from the standard boards and sold separately. The distribution is limited to the northeastern region of the United States and southeastern Canada. In Eastern Europe, few similar features are found in other species of maple. However, these differ in color, quality and density from the real bird’s eye maple of North America.

Appearance: Both sapwood as well as parts of the core are conspicuously white. Older heartwood tends to a color core, which may differ in its scope and reduces the wood’s value - similar to the European Ash. The late wood zones are demarcated reddish, distinguishing it from European Sycamore.
The wood is dense and shows fine pores, the structure of bird's eye maple is lively with irregular grain. Very decorative and in great demand

Properties: The specific weight at 12% moisture content is specified as about 0.75 t/m3. The drying is not a problem, but should be done slowly. Bad to plane, sanding produces smooth surfaces. Like the simple version of the Canadian maple ('hard maple') bird’s eye maple is one of the hardest woods in the boreal zone.

Use: Turners' goods, musical instruments, veneers


Informationsdienst Holz (1987), Merkblattreihe Holzarten, Blatt Nr. 80
GOTTWALD (1970) Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
WAGENFüHR (1996) Holzatlas

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty