Ovangkol 45 360 Ovangkol geriegelt 47 400
 Ovangkol  Ovangkol, curly

Names and distribution: Botanically Ovangkol belongs to the genus Guibourtia, family Caesalpiniaceae (Leguminosae). The species is closely related to Mutenye and Bubinga, and in a broader sense also with Padouk and Rosewood species.Ovangkol = Guibourtia ehie,  Mutenye: Guiboutia arnoldiana, Bubinga = Guibourtia tessmannii

Appearance: Heartwood yellow to dark brown with dark veins at a distance of 5 to 10mm, sapwood clearly separated up to 10 cm wide. Ovangkol is sometimes steamed to make the wood more uniform and darker overall. Fine to medium pores, appealing shimmering mirror, usually parallel fiber orientation, sometimes curly. Decorative.

Properties: Specific weight at 12% moisture content approx 0.78 tons/m3, satisfying swelling and shrinkage values ​​(8.1% in tangential and 4.3% in radial direction), good stability, good machinability, high hardness specified as about 38 N/mm2 , high natural durability, although it is only rarely used outdoors due to its high price.

Use: Exchange wood of walnut, fine furniture and interiors, stairs, handicrafts, tonewood

Replaces: american Walnut

ATIBT (1980) Atlas der tropischen Holzarten, Band 1: Afrika
Gottwald (1970) Bestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
Wagenführ (1996) Holzatlas

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty