 Santos Rosewood
 Pau Ferro / Pao Ferro
Morado Morado
 as flooring,  sealed
more about:



Names and distribution: Morado, also called Santos rosewood or caviuna (botanically Machaerium scleroxylon), belongs to the Leguminosae. Morado is related to Purple Heart (Peltogyne spp.) and to Dalbergia nigra (Rio Rosewood). The distribution area of ​​Morado is limited to the dry forests of Bolivia and parts of southwestern Brazil. In its distribution area Morado belongs to the more rare types of trees with low dominance.

Appearance: The heartwood is reddish-purple to light brown to dark brown, large color variations from stem to stem are possible. Partly parallel fiber pattern, partly intertwined (irregular twist occurring), alkaline substances can cause lime stains. Fine pores, dispersed, highly decorative.

Properties: The density at a moisture content of 12% is given as 0.96 t/m3. The volumetric shrinkage from fresh state to u = 12% is 10.6%, the radial shrinkage is given as 2.9%, with 5.9% tangentially. Morado has thus comparatively well shrinkage and swelling values ​​and can be dried without problems. Morado is easy to process and polish. During processing, the dust may cause irritation to skin and respiratory problems. Allergic reactions have been observed repeatedly to individuals.
The modulus of elasticity is specified with 16,400 N/mm2, the bending stiffness with 124 N/mm2.
Morado is indeed weather-resistant, but is not used outdoors.

Adequate protective measures during processing are important!

Use: Pronounced decorative wood for the sophisticated interior design, flooring, musical instruments, decorative objects, veneers.

Replaces: real rosewood, especially Rio Rosewood

Reference objects: 
Finished parquet, Object in Zürich
Block Parquet & steps, Restaurant/ Café "Frankfurter Botschaft", Frankfurt/Main
Furniture, Restaurant/ Café "Frankfurter Botschaft", Frankfurt/Main
Parquet, Wirkung des Lichts - München
GOTTWALD (1970) Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
Centro Amazónico de Desarrollo Forestal (2001): Holzart Morado
ATIBT (1990) Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de América Latina

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty