Limba/ Korina Limba/ Korina

Names and distribution: Limba comes from West and Central Africa. Botanically Limba (Terminalia superba) is part of the family Combretaceae. Since the seventies, there are two origins: in the natural forest, as well as in some large-scale plantations, where Limba is successfully grown. The term is synonymous with Korina, as the name Fraké.

Appearance: yellowish white wood with barely contrasting sapwood, diffuse porous, overall simple and little decorative.

Properties: Limba has a good stamina is easy to dry and process. Density at 12% MC is 0.40 to 0.50 tons/m3. Appreciated for its homogeneity and versatile usability. Not permanent.

Use: Strips, indoor devices, musical instruments

ATIBT (1989): Afrikanische Holzarten
GOTTWALD (1970) Handelshölzer

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty