Bahia Rosenholz 400B
 Bahia Rosewood (Detail)
Bahia Rosenholz
 Bahia Rosewood
 Dalbergia species in   comparison:
 Indian Rosewood (links)
 Mex. Cocobolo (right)
 Bahia Rosewood (bottom)
more about

woodwind instr.

Names and distribution: The term "Bahia Rosewood" or "Tulipwood"  of "Sebastiao de Aruda" refers to trees botanically described as Dalbergia decipularis or D. frutescens. The wood is, as the name implies, native to the state of Bahia but is also found in the Southern adjacent regions such as Minas Gerais. The species was overexploited in the past, the availability is limited and tends towards zero.

Appearance: Heartwood rosé, often interspersed with dark red stripes. Sapwood and heartwood sharply demarcated. Pores ​​medium to fine. Ingredients occurring, sometimes visible in the pores of grooves in longitudinal section. Overall, very decorative.

Properties: The density at u = 12% is approximately 1.0 t/m3. Dimensional stability is satisfactory although green lumber should be protected with wax at the ends to avoid further damage. Machining and finishing is easy. Smooth and dense surfaces can be generated without much effort. Pleasant fragrance during processing. Good tonal characteristics.

Irritation of mucous membranes during machining is not excluded but appears very rare.

Use: High quality turnery goods, writing instruments, musical instruments, pool cues

ATIBT (1990): Atlas de Maderas Tropicales de América Latina
GOTTWALD (1970) Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
RICHTER, H.G. (1988) Holz als Rohstoff für den Musikinstrumentenbau, Moeck-Verl.

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty