Ahorn USW_Quilted_Maple1
 Red Maple specialty:
 Quilted Maple
Ahorn kanad Quilted Maple
 Quilted Maple 
Ahorn USW_curly_AAA
 another Red Maple specialty:
 Curly Maple

Names and distribution: The Big Leaf Maple or Red Maple is spread in the states of Oregon and Washington, botanically Acer macrophyllum. Red Maple is to be distinguished from East Coast maple (sugar maple, "hard maple", Acer saccharum).

Appearance: in the special shapes Quilt and Curly very decorative.

Properties: The wood is of lower density than the East Coast maple.

Use: Musical instruments, wood for turnery, furniture, veneers

GOTTWALD (1970) Bestimmung der wichtigsten Holzhandelshölzer 

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty