Acoustic guitars
 African Mahagony (Khaya), raw
 Khaya, oiled
sapelli top 512
 in comparison: Sapelli 
tonewood :





Names and distribution: African mahogany or "Khaya Mahagony" is botanically Khaya ivorenis  and belongs as true Mahagony from Latin America to the family of Meliaceae. Khaya was one of the first overseas timber, which was introduced from former African colonies into Europe. It was identified as an attractive substitute to South American Mahagony. Other species of this species from African sources are Sipo, Kosipo, Tiama and Lovoa / Dibetou. Khaya mahogany is common mainly in West and Central Africa.

Appearance: The fresh heartwood is pinkish brown, darkening upon exposure. The pores are medium-coarse and scattered. Grain is partly straight, partly wavy to ondulated. General appearance is homogeneous and plain.

Properties: The density at a moisture content of 12% is about 0.50 to 0.65 t/m3. Khaya can be dried without problems and provides an andequate dimensional stability in various fields of application. All forms of treatment are possible, including turning and carving. Smooth and decorative surfaces can be produced. There is no information about allergic irritation of skin and respiratory tract.

Use: Interior and cabinet words, stairs, windows and doors, classic wooden furniture, boat building, musical instruments.

  Guitar, Jochen Imhof, SIGN GUITARS
GOTTWALD (1970): Holzbestimmung der wichtigsten Handelshölzer
ATIBT (1990): Atlas des Bois Africain

Note: according to the latest findings, but without any warranty
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