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Wood for Turnery

Wood for woodturning

We offer cuts in a variety of wood species. You can get the best overview on site during a tour of our warehouse. We have divided the woods into four application groups in order to make the topic of woodturning clearer for distance customers:
* Knife handle and writing instrument blanks and handle scales
* Billiard cue scantlings
* Shell blanks
* Any dimensions on a weight basis
You can purchase our products directly in our store. Entire turning area
Timbers currently available

Thicknesses in mm
Maple, European, plain *


Surcharge for thermal treatment

50, 75

40, 50, 75

Maple, Canadian, plain

Bird’s eye maple, pure white

white brown

Quilted maple depending on quality

50, 75

28, 35

28, 35, 50

Acacia / Robinia, natural… depending on dimension / quality. *

intensively steamed

55, 80, 160

Amaranth / Purple Heart*
50, 55, 90
Amboina burl, partial burl, slices
Bahia rosewood + kingwood / Violetta**
20, 30, 40, 55, 80
 Birch burl (Karelian, Finnish)32, 40, 50
 Pear tree, European
50, 80
Bloodwood / Satiné depending on color *

28, 40
Bubinga, plain / pommelé **

40, 50
Buxbaum, European

Bux tree, Bolivian / Baitoa bux *
50, 80, 100, 150
 Castello Buxbaum40, 50, 55, 80
Chakte Kok / Red Heart*
52, 80
Chechen *

40, 52
Cocobolo **

40, 50, 80
Cuchi *

40, 50
Ebony, Cameroon, depending on Dim.& Qual.
40, 50, 80, 100
Ebony, Macassar
40, 52
 Ebony, Royal White Ebony40, 52, 80
 Sweet chestnut, chestnut30, 65
Yew, depending on length and freedom from cracks

55, 60, quart.
 Oak, depending on age, thickness and freedom from cracks55, 60, 75, 100
 Ironwood26, 40, 50
Alder, European + American depending on width
32, 45, 50
Ash, plain

Wild service tree, steamed / Swiss pear tree

40, 52, 80
Pernambuco Caribbean, plain*

Caribbean, sealed*

20, 30, 50

30, 40, 50
 Yellowwood, Argentinian / US Osage Orange40, 50, quarter
 Golden rain30, 40, quarter
Granadillo / Hormigo*

40, 50, 100
40, 50, 70
Hickory, white / brown

26, 40, 50, quarter
Honduras rosewood depending on freedom from cracks

22…32, 40, 50
Ipé / Tajibo / Lapacho*
33, 40, 55, 120
 Iroko / Kambala35, 70
 Japanese Sickle Fir / Sugi26, 50
Jatobá / Guapinol / Courbaril

40, 55, 80
Chestnut / sweet chestnut, chestnut
30, 65
Katalox (mex. ironwood) esp. / untrimmed


Stem sections

Remaining pieces / small parts

32, 55, 80

28, 32, 50


Cherry, European / American

30, 52, 65
 Kingwood / Kingwood / Violetta**20, 30, 40, 55, 80
Kingwood = violet wood = violet wood**

30, 50, 80

Laurel, South American walnut *

40, 50
Linde, europ. / americ.

50, 70, 100, 120
Louro Faia / “Pearlwood”, Roupala spp. *

40, 50

40, 55, 85, 120
Machiche / carib. Cherry

40, 55, 80
Mahogany, real *, **

55, 80
Burl poplar
Mulberry tree

50, 80, 100
 Merbau / Kwila50, 80, 160
Bog oak / fossil oak with cracks

crack- and fault-free

30, 50, 80

Monzo / Leadwood ) & Mapone
Muninga / East African padouk

Muninga sealed*

28, 52, 80

Walnut, European *

52, 65, 80
 Walnut, europ. grained (tuber)*80, 100
 Walnut, North American / black walnut52,65
Olive, depending on freedom from cracks

40… 100
 Olive, small parts20… 50
 Olive, stem cuttings, fresh200… 400 diam.
Osage Orange for woodturning
Padouk, West African /”red padouk”

20, 26, 52, 65
 Padouk, Salomon (Narra, Pacific Rosewood)*52, 65, 80, 160
Rosewood, Andes

40, 52, 100
 Rosewood, Honduras **20, 26, 32, 40
 Rosewood, Indian **40, 50, 80
 Rosewood, Santos *30, 52, 80, 100
Palm wood – coconut palm wood / Red Palmira

30 x 100
 Palm wood – Black Palmira38 x 38, 32 x 100
 Palo Naranja plain – locked *40, 55, 80
Pearl wood / “Leopard Wood” *
40, 50
Peroba Rosa with / without split *

50, 80
Sycamore, steamed

32, 40, 50
 Red Heart / Chakte Kok*40, 52, 80
 Redwood / sequoia (Sequoia / Metasequoia)80, 100
Robinia, depending on freedom from cracks*

55, 80, 160
Rosewood, Bahia **

20, 30, 40
 Red cedar / tree of life (Thuya)26, 50, 100, 255
 Royal White Ebony50…100
Salomon Padouk / “Papua Rosewood”

40… 200
Satinwood ceylonese / lemon wood

Satiné “Bloodwood” * depending on color

28, 33, 40

depending on structure and freedom from cracks


Sonokeling – see Indian rosewood **

 Sucupira30, 55
 Sugi /”Japanese Sickle Fir”(Cryptomeria japonica)28, 33, 40
Tajibo/ Lapacho/ Ipé *

50, 120
 Tamboti / afrk. Sandalwood40…80
Tarara, yellow *

Teak, Burma
26, 40, 50, 80
Teak, plantation

26, 40, 50
Tigerwood / Goncalo alves* – depending on color / structure

 Elm, europ.40, 50
 Wamara26, 40, 50
Wengé / Panga Panga *
26, 40, 50, 65

Cedar, true cedar(Cedrus libanii)

30, 35, 50
Cedar / Red Cedar / Western Red Cedar,(Thuya plicata)

26, 50, 100, 255
 Swiss stone pine / Swiss stone pine80

Plum / prune

26, 30, 52
Cypress(Cupressus sempevirens)

* FSC-certified

** CITES-listed, export only with permit (€100/application)

For practicing & to give away:
mixed lot europ. Wood types: 10 kg: psa € 45,–
Mixed batch of overseas timber: 10 kg: psa € 60,–
mixed lot europ. Wood species: 20 kg: psa € 80,–
Mixed batch of overseas timber: 20 kg: psa € 110,–

Wood description

Format: any

Quality: flawless, well seasoned, waxed at the front

Dimensions: Thickness see above, width and length: according to stock – specify desired dimensions if necessary

Wood species properties: You can download data sheets and illustrations of little-known wood species from our homepage
download. We can also send you these data sheets by post on request.

Prices are ex warehouse plus VAT

Prices are non-binding offers and always subject to change! Subject to prior sale.

Our terms of delivery and payment apply.

Cancellation fees: according to expenses already incurred

Discounts: Guide value for quantity discounts: 50 kg: – 10%, 100 kg: – 15%, 200 kg: – 20%

Parcel shipping

Minimum order value for parcel shipping: € 50,– net value of goods

Domestic postage & packaging costs: Parcel up to 30 kg = € 15.00

Domestic freight allowance: € 200 net value of goods

Payment method: cash on collection. EC or with card

for online orders paypal or bank transfer

Delivery time for goods in stock: usually 3 days after receipt of order or payment